Monday, September 9, 2013

Half a Year!



Happy Half Year Birthday! Today you are 6 months old.  I cannot even believe that you have been here with us for half a year already.  I feel like I'm going to blink again and you will be eating cake at your first birthday.  Take it slow, little man!
I just couldn't pick one!

Weight: 16 lbs 

Length: 26 inches

Hair Color:
Red (But I think you have some blond in there)

Eye color:
Gray Blue but the inside is turning towards green.

Diaper Size: Size 3.

Clothes Size: You are wearing 6 months. You fit them so well.  From time to time, I pull out a 3 month onesie but then I have to remember that you are getting bigger. What gives? Haha.

Nicknames: Tarter Sauce or Tarter

Sleep: Sleep is amazing! We did the Sleepeasy Solution with you right after you turned 5 months.  You sleep in your crib now from 7:00 PM to sometime between 6:00-7:00 AM.  That's right! In your crib, in your room, downstairs! You then take 2 or 3 one hour naps through the day, in your crib, in your room, downstairs. Can you tell I'm excited?  You have been doing this for weeks now and have been such a happy baby to be getting the sleep you need.  Happy Baby = Happy Momma.

Eat: You eat around every 3-4 hours during the day.  I nurse you, or Dad feeds you a bottle if I'm not home, right each nap.

Daily Routine: We have a routine! You wake up between 6:00-7:00 AM.  Dad or I bring you upstairs to our room and you act like a piranha, crazily trying to eat our arms, until we get your in our bed and I nurse you.  Sometimes you and I fall back to sleep for a little while longer.  When we get up, you play for 2 hours, until it is time for your first nap.  I take you into your room, turn on the white noise, and nurse you.  Then I lay you down, still awake, and you roll over and go to sleep.  You nap for at least an hour.  You get up from that nap and play for 2.5 more hours until your second nap.  We do the same routine and when you wake we play for 2.5 more hours until you go down for your third nap.  After your third nap, we play until 6:30 PM.  You then get a bath, we put you in pajamas and I nurse you and put you in bed for the night.  Before I go to bed, around 10:00 PM, I come down and dream feed you.  You sleep until the morning when we start our routine all over again.

Milestone: You have two bottom teeth! I couldn't believe it when I checked and saw them pushing up.  They broke through at the same time a week ago.
You are crawling! You are crawling everywhere now and you are so quick.

You can sit up by yourself.  You prefer to have one hand on the ground, like a tripod.

You pulled yourself up to standing in your crib! You had finished your nap, you crawled over to the side and pulled yourself to standing.  If your Dad hadn't gotten a picture with the baby monitor, I wouldn't have believed it.
You had solids for the first time.  You attempted earlier in the month to eat Liam's PB&J sandwich.  Liam walked up to you and held it out so you reached out and snatched it then shoved it in your mouth.  You looked so surprised once you tasted it though.  Dad ran over and took it out of your mouth though.  We gave you a slice of Avocado, last night, and you really liked it.  You put it right in your mouth but spit out the big bites you took. It was so amazing to watch you pick it up, put it in your mouth and try to figure out what this new stuff was.

Likes:  You love chasing your brother. You crawl after him all day long.  He makes you laugh and the two of you will just giggle together.
Dislikes: You still aren't the biggest fan of the car seat.  We figured out that you poop almost every time we put you in the car seat.  Right after is when you get super mad! We have started taking you out of the car seat when we get to a store so you can sit in the cart and check every one out.
You also don't like sitting still long enough to get your diaper changed or to get dressed. You are so ready to go, go, go!

First Crawl
First Time Pulling Yourself Up in the Crib
First Time Eating Solids
First Teeth
First Time Sitting unsupported
First Trip to the Zoo


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